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Number of Schools,Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers by Type and Level


总 计 Total 529324 23373371 18443728
一、高等教育学校 Higher Education Schools 3012 2785592 1913817
  1.普通本科院校  Academic HEIs 1238 1931463 1272996
     #独立学院 of Which:Independent Institutions  164 82566 59874
  2.本科层次职业学校  Professional HEIs 32 32202 25743
  3.高职(专科)院校  Vocational HEIs 1486 787355 595014
  4.成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 256 34363 19973
  5.其他普通高教机构(不计校数)Other Institutions (21) 209 91
二、高中阶段学校 Senior Secondary Schools 21879 3947581 3380405
  1.普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools 14585 3119854 2709469
    完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools 5384 1163066 1038107
    高级中学 Regular High Schools 7407 1483279 1318430
    十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 1794 473509 352932
  2.中等职业教育(不含技工学校) Secondary Vocational Education 7294 827727 670936
    中等职业学校 Secondary Vocational Education 7294 816327 662487
    其他中职机构(不计校数) Other Secondary Vocational Education Institutions (297) 11400 8449
三、义务教育阶段学校 Compulsory Education Schools 207150 10907695 9999469
  1.初中学校 Junior Secondary Schools 52871 4685682 4206393
    初级中学 Regular Junior  Secondary  Schools 34629 2914044 2674538
    九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 18233 1771403 1531649
    职业初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 9 235 206
  2.普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 154279 6222013 5793076
    小学 Primary Schools 154279 5846493 5440724
    小学教学点(不计校数) ExternalTeaching Sites (83623) 375520 352352
四、特殊教育学校 Schools for Special Edu. 2288 82529 70925
五、幼儿园 Kindergarten 294832 5646384 3076579
六、专门学校 Specialized Schools 104 3149 2249
七、成人中小学 Adult Primary and Secondary Schools 59 441 284
    2.“()”内数据为不计校数。 ;
Note: 1.Full-time teachers are classified by school types. of which, educational personnel and full-time teachers of combined secondary schools are calculated into senior secondary education; educational personnel and full-time teachers of 9-year schools are calculated into junior secondary education; Educational personnel and full-time teachers of 12-year schools are calculated into senior secondary education;
      2. The data within “( )”are not calculated as the number of schools;
      3.Data from the Skilled Workers School administered by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China are not included in the data of Senior Secondary Education Level for 2021. Similarly hereinafter.



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