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Number of Female Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers of
Schools by Type and Level

其中:女教职工                             of Which:
Female Educational Personnel
其中:女专任教师 of Which:
Female Full-time Teachers
一、高等教育 Higher Education            
    (一)研究生培养机构(不计校数) Institutions Providing Postgraduate Programs            
                 1. 普通高校 Regular HEIs            
                 2. 科研机构 Research Institutes            
    (二)普通高等学校 Regular HEIs 2404784 1162408 48.34 1601968 788558 49.22
                 1. 本科院校 HEIs Offering Degree Programs 1750614 828921 47.35 1134030 538769 47.51
                         其中:独立学院  of Which:Independent Institutions 164913 85104 51.61 123428 63257 51.25
                 2. 高职(专科)院校 Higher Vocational Colleges 652580 332643 50.97 466934 249258 53.38
                 3. 其他普通高教机构(不计校数) Other Institutions 1590 844 53.08 1004 531 52.89
    (三)成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 43119 21847 50.67 25214 13740 54.49
    (四)民办的其他高等教育机构 Other Non-government HEIs 22469 11667 51.92 10326 5280 51.13
二、中等教育 Secondary Education 7681640 4069679 52.98 6065556    
     (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary Education 3681359 1909006 51.86 2575569    
                 1.高中 Senior Secondary Schools 2595259 1382627 53.28 1735980 904917 52.13
                        普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools 2591946 1381193 53.29 1733459 903797 52.14
                            完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 1041601 562022 53.96 526135 271111 51.53
                            高级中学 Regular High Schools 1306471 662895 50.74 1147876 601521 52.4
                            十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 243874 156276 64.08 59448 31165 52.42
                         成人高中 Adult High Schools 3313 1434 43.28 2521 1120 44.43
                 2.中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Education 1086100 526379 48.47 839589    
                        普通中专 Regular Specialized Secondary Schools 401426 199505 49.7 302697 160214 52.93
                        成人中专 Adult Specialized Secondary Schools 63644 30466 47.87 47210 24364 51.61
                        职业高中 Vocational High Schools 344647 172980 50.19 285074 150875 52.92
                        技工学校 Skilled Workers Schools 265053 118195 44.59 196446    
                        其他中职机构(不计校数) Other Institutions 11330 5233 46.19 8162 4183 51.25
     (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education 4000281 2160673 54.01 3489987 1901611 54.49
                  1.初中 Junior Secondary Schools 3997502 2159354 54.02 3487789 1900525 54.49
                         初级中学  Regular Junior  Secondary  Schools 2770381 1429689 51.61 2514419 1346067 53.53
                         九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 1226629 729437 59.47 515074 277228 53.82
                         十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools       63816 40527 63.51
                         完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools       394019 236481 60.02
                         职业初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 492 228 46.34 461 222 48.16
                 2.成人初中 Adult Junior Secondary Schools 2779 1319 47.46 2198 1086 49.41
三、初等教育 Primary Education 5560547 3508317 63.09 5801544 3788753 65.31
     (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 5537298 3497880 63.17 5789145 3782693 65.34
                      小学 Primary Schools 5537298 3497880 63.17 5176454 3355723 64.83
                      九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools       554609 380298 68.57
                     十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools       58082 46672 80.36
     (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools 23249 10437 44.89 12399 6060 48.87
                     其中:扫盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes 15727 6630 42.16 7405 3332 45
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 2889 1114 38.56 2081 859 41.28
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 62468 43625 69.84 53213 39034 73.35
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 3817830 3512926 92.01 2232067 2184795 97.88


Note: The numbers of complete secondary schools and their educational personnel are calculated into the number of senior secondary education,the numbers of Combined Primary and Lower econdary Schools and their educational personnel are calculated into the junior secondary education, the numbers of the Combined Primary and Secondary Schools and their educational personnel are calculated into senior secondary education. The fulltime teachers are classified by educational level.



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