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Number of Postgraduate Students in Higher Education Institutions

Degree Awarded
Estimated Graduates for Next Year
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
总 计 Total 578045 299813 58032 520013 682651 806103 423629 83878 722225 2639561 1278134 361997 2277564 773025 379561 169022 604003
北 京 Beijing 90482 44363 17933 72549 110758 120265 60787 23866 96399 400225 183274 99889 300336 123613 58353 43456 80157
天 津 Tianjin 16189 9751 1584 14605 17530 23292 13073 2433 20859 72037 37095 9473 62564 20485 11468 3934 16551
河 北 Hebei 12771 7401 423 12348 14537 17162 9450 724 16438 52220 28044 3111 49109 15791 8621 1578 14213
山 西 Shanxi 8983 5351 450 8533 10968 12143 7177 580 11563 37870 20924 2719 35151 11266 6746 1522 9744
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 5635 3529 173 5462 6879 8223 5266 339 7884 26790 15892 1558 25232 7546 4644 759 6787
辽 宁 Liaoning 29767 16542 1787 27980 34052 39439 21986 2929 36510 122624 63408 15366 107258 39984 20357 8077 31907
吉 林 Jilin 18717 11149 1798 16919 23103 23095 14076 2418 20677 72319 40714 10476 61843 21876 11907 5821 16055
黑龙江 Heilongjiang 19328 10054 1781 17547 22914 25076 12503 2847 22229 81158 38478 13132 68026 25075 12299 5514 19561
上 海 Shanghai 40982 20951 5567 35415 49889 59519 30903 7702 51817 196953 93289 31875 165078 58480 28857 13586 44894
江 苏 Jiangsu 45799 21679 4467 41332 53687 64455 31668 6494 57961 220209 96544 29155 191054 63624 29452 14596 49028
浙 江 Zhejiang 18717 9321 1826 16891 21893 27368 13889 2830 24538 89087 42102 11976 77111 24151 10845 4262 19889
安 徽 Anhui 16577 7178 1368 15209 16512 22255 9798 2242 20013 65873 27713 7919 57954 18279 8491 2567 15712
福 建 Fujian 11973 6362 779 11194 14205 17620 9509 1486 16134 56927 27888 6256 50671 16468 8244 2636 13832
江 西 Jiangxi 9132 4777 240 8892 11550 13477 7196 377 13100 40430 20446 1437 38993 11078 5766 702 10376
山 东 Shandong 24755 14027 1529 23226 29829 35564 19830 2312 33252 115692 59821 10060 105632 31805 17259 5088 26717
河 南 Henan 12933 7260 318 12615 14935 18352 10262 648 17704 53687 29741 2345 51342 14084 7568 836 13248
湖 北 Hubei 35047 17162 3895 31152 43605 51320 25403 5373 45947 185362 82782 24326 161036 50616 23580 13524 37092
湖 南 Hunan 19126 9775 1819 17307 22656 27581 14593 2506 25075 99122 47585 12271 86851 30234 13032 7076 23158
广 东 Guangdong 27148 14085 3055 24093 30610 38832 20349 3997 34835 119987 58760 15686 104301 37873 18601 7676 30197
广 西 Guangxi 9044 4695 197 8847 9588 12038 6613 390 11648 34504 17994 1382 33122 10610 4660 668 9942
海 南 Hainan 1336 774 50 1286 1550 2266 1277 94 2172 7818 4167 313 7505 1980 1067 101 1879
重 庆 Chongqing 15517 8212 1046 14471 18441 22437 12493 1454 20983 73485 39803 6213 67272 19590 10444 2212 17378
四 川 Sichuan 25776 12402 2226 23550 29117 36776 18275 3320 33456 124446 56045 15562 108884 36317 16749 8383 27934
贵 州 Guizhou 4929 2740 72 4857 5309 7117 4133 215 6902 22141 11967 750 21391 6100 3362 343 5757
云 南 Yunnan 10253 5645 366 9887 12140 14026 8061 630 13396 44983 23889 2721 42262 12654 6643 1334 11320
西 藏 Tibet 467 289 4 463 465 706 363 34 672 1804 986 94 1710 579 341 33 546
陕 西 Shaanxi 29253 14725 2412 26841 36156 40842 20269 4187 36655 146780 68217 20188 126592 40131 18078 9754 30377
甘 肃 Gansu 9152 4681 643 8509 10086 12810 6887 942 11868 39220 19605 3970 35250 12020 5867 2144 9876
青 海 Qinghai 1051 563 12 1039 1213 1730 1057 65 1665 4813 2856 176 4637 1300 678 64 1236
宁 夏 Ningxia 1570 958 43 1527 2025 2278 1429 89 2189 6324 3925 219 6105 1709 1025 59 1650
新 疆 Xinjiang 5636 3412 169 5467 6449 8039 5054 355 7684 24671 14180 1379 23292 7707 4557 717 6990


Note:From 2017, the indicators meaning of entrants and enrollment of postgraduate students have changed. The number of entrants includes full-time and part-time postgraduate students. The number of Master's and Doctor's Degree awarded includes full-time, part-time postgraduate students and on-the-job students.? Same as below.



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