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Number of Non-government Schools ,Educational Personnel and Full-time Teachers by Type and Level


  学校数()    Schools 教职工数()       Educational Personnel 专任教师数()   Full-time Teachers
一、高等教育 Higher Education      
    (一)研究生培养机构(不计校数) Institutions Providing Postgraduate Programs (6)
                 1. 普通高校 Regular HEIs (5)
                 2. 科研机构 Research Institutes (1)
    (二)普通高等学校 Regular HEIs 746 436819 316174
                 1. 本科院校 HEIs Offering Degree Programs 426 315875 231092
                         其中:独立学院  of Which:Independent Institutions 265 162330 122151
                 2. 高职(专科)院校 Higher Vocational Colleges 320 120842 85009
                 3. 其他普通高教机构(不计校数) Other Institutions (15) 102 73
    (三)成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 1 0 0
    (四)民办的其他高等教育机构 Other Non-government HEIs (800) 20882 9643
二、中等教育 Secondary Education
     (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary Education
                 1.高中 Senior Secondary Schools
                        普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools 3002 481324 187498
                            完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools 1056 177092 71080
                            高级中学 Regular High Schools 938 83879 66957
                            十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 1008 220353 49461
                         成人高中 Adult High Schools
                 2.中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Education
                        普通中专 Regular Specialized Secondary Schools 831 49661 33765
                        成人中专 Adult Specialized Secondary Schools 121 9034 5956
                        职业高中 Vocational High Schools 1117 47212 32256
                        技工学校 Skilled Workers Schools
                        其他中职机构(不计校数) Other Institutions (40) 1709 1113
     (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education
                  1.初中 Junior Secondary Schools 5277 492558 339069
                         初级中学  Regular Junior  Secondary  Schools 1293 116302 93815
                         九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 3983 376251 122747
                         十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 54980
                         完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools 67523
                         职业初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 1 5 4
                 2.成人初中 Adult Junior Secondary Schools
三、初等教育 Primary Education
     (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 6107 277063 420099
                      小学 Primary Schools 6107 277063 207796
                      九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 161133
                     十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 51170
    (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools
                     其中:扫盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 3 160 131
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 66 1876 1243
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 160372 2764718 1510277
另有:民办培训机构(不计校数)Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions (21234) 294684 161478
注:1.完全中学的学校数和教职工数计入高中阶段教育,九年一贯制学校的校数和教职工数计入初中阶段教育,十二年一贯制学校的校数和教职工数计入高中阶段教育。专任教师是按照教育层次进行归类。  2.“()内数据为不计校数。
Note: 1. The numbers of complete secondary schools and their educational personnel are calculated into the number of senior secondary education, the numbers of Combined Primary and Lower Secondary Schools and their educational personnel are calculated into the junior secondary education, the numbers of the Combined Primary and Secondary Schools and their educational personnel are  calculated into senior secondary education. The fulltime teachers are classified by educational level;
        2. The data within “( )”are not calculated as the number of schools.



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