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Number of Postgraduate Students in Higher Education Institutions


Degree Awarded
Estimated Graduates for Next Year
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
of Which: Female
Doctor's Degree
Master's Degree
总 计 Total 604368 318985 60724 543644 702077 857966 459818 95502 762464 2731257 1355745 389518 2341739 818394 409231 172824 645570
北 京 Beijing 92607 47092 18354 74253 109569 125993 64680 26088 99905 402504 188895 106030 296474 128642 62235 41796 86846
天 津 Tianjin 17182 9980 1731 15451 18034 24798 14130 2697 22101 76866 40269 10463 66403 23453 12531 4343 19110
河 北 Hebei 13669 7937 441 13228 15477 18346 10327 866 17480 54765 29686 3487 51278 16655 9146 1717 14938
山 西 Shanxi 9593 5919 423 9170 11434 12731 7701 660 12071 38638 22170 2913 35725 11900 6989 1675 10225
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 5971 4000 212 5759 7207 8411 5446 376 8035 27147 16416 1695 25452 8258 5404 805 7453
辽 宁 Liaoning 31039 16679 2022 29017 34811 41424 23313 3185 38239 126638 66770 15853 110785 43302 21821 8562 34740
吉 林 Jilin 18263 10478 1853 16410 21448 24189 15068 2658 21531 73422 43049 10991 62431 22816 13105 5918 16898
黑龙江 Heilongjiang 19461 10082 1765 17696 21625 26626 13360 3334 23292 79579 38186 14428 65151 28462 13228 6973 21489
上 海 Shanghai 43084 22770 5580 37504 51561 63628 33562 9032 54596 203961 99579 34722 169239 61949 30048 14357 47592
江 苏 Jiangsu 47412 23798 4611 42801 55230 69138 34832 7476 61662 228801 105119 31472 197329 66216 30492 15015 51201
浙 江 Zhejiang 20676 10382 2162 18514 22795 29760 14752 3339 26421 93896 44528 12943 80953 25218 11553 4377 20841
安 徽 Anhui 17705 8017 1602 16103 17764 23870 10903 2594 21276 69303 29656 8867 60436 19001 8248 2671 16330
福 建 Fujian 12245 6546 917 11328 14131 18803 10309 1695 17108 59453 30245 6961 52492 17641 9061 2878 14763
江 西 Jiangxi 10091 5275 224 9867 12822 14757 7812 553 14204 42406 21978 1799 40607 11920 6262 785 11135
山 东 Shandong 26286 15153 1569 24717 30826 37796 21339 2663 35133 121320 63353 10835 110485 33556 18385 5275 28281
河 南 Henan 13556 7420 388 13168 15182 20043 12051 796 19247 56810 31767 2749 54061 16454 9527 909 15545
湖 北 Hubei 36877 18326 4303 32574 48164 52196 26776 5991 46205 187983 86333 25255 162728 53823 25347 13162 40661
湖 南 Hunan 20141 10872 1589 18552 23160 28843 15584 3042 25801 103539 50761 13580 89959 32191 15855 7549 24642
广 东 Guangdong 28878 15050 3120 25758 32496 42515 22498 4752 37763 127260 63534 16978 110282 39643 19952 7748 31895
广 西 Guangxi 9146 4977 246 8900 10004 13125 7256 483 12642 37293 19780 1595 35698 11838 6293 724 11114
海 南 Hainan 1526 900 38 1488 1808 2578 1526 118 2460 8505 4727 393 8112 2145 1260 124 2021
重 庆 Chongqing 16510 9001 1093 15417 19557 24148 14188 1692 22456 79391 43811 6653 72738 19681 10114 2326 17355
四 川 Sichuan 26981 13257 2249 24732 31301 39003 20223 3804 35199 128271 59760 16787 111484 37284 17879 8877 28407
贵 州 Guizhou 5361 3001 110 5251 5833 7848 4672 280 7568 23999 13449 913 23086 6417 3574 380 6037
云 南 Yunnan 10399 5792 352 10047 12107 15191 8976 750 14441 45634 25265 3090 42544 13834 7616 1460 12374
西 藏 Tibet 508 296 16 492 534 846 474 47 799 2131 1170 124 2007 629 361 44 585
陕 西 Shaanxi 30759 15574 2819 27940 36507 43597 21743 4737 38860 151698 70715 21510 130188 40481 19482 9217 31264
甘 肃 Gansu 9526 5037 642 8884 10452 13959 7665 1159 12800 42000 21519 4383 37617 13069 6209 2272 10797
青 海 Qinghai 1175 680 19 1156 1435 2091 1357 77 2014 5180 3148 206 4974 1528 845 43 1485
宁 夏 Ningxia 1590 1029 50 1540 1906 2664 1710 129 2535 6886 4371 299 6587 2059 1274 79 1980
新 疆 Xinjiang 6151 3665 224 5927 6897 9049 5585 429 8620 25978 15736 1544 24434 8329 5135 763 7566
Note:From 2017, the indicators meaning of entrants and enrollment of postgraduate students have changed. The number of entrants includes full-time and part-time postgraduate students. The number of Master's and Doctor's Degree awarded includes full-time, part-time postgraduate students and on-the-job students.  Same as below. 



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