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Number of Students of Non-government Education by Type and Level

一、高等教育 Higher Education      
   (一)研究生 Postgraduates 266 735 1490
                   Doctor?s Degree
                   Master?s Degree 266 735 1490
   (二)普通本专科 Undergraduate in Regular HEIs 1661667 1839444 6496003
                    Normal Courses 925733 1051654 4170860
                    Short-cycle Courses 735934 787790 2325143
   (三)成人本专科 Undergraduate in Adult HEIs 80801 141423 281833
                    Normal Courses 10904 23607 43315
                    Short-cycle Courses 69897 117816 238518
   (四)另有其他学生 Other Students
                1.民办高校 Non-government HEIs 11087
                2.民办的其他高等教育机构 Other Non-government HEIs 85017
二、中等教育  Secondary Education
   (一)高中阶段教育  Senior Secondary Education
                1. 高中  Senior Secondary Schools
                        普通高中  Regular Senior Secondary Schools 925741 1169477 3282687
                            完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 360872 426719 1212634
                            高级中学  Regular High Schools 340314 432624 1216742
                            十二年一贯制学校  12-Year Schools 224555 310134 853311
                       成人高中 Adult High Schools
              2. 中等职业教育  Secondary Vocational Education
                      普通中专  Regular Specialized Secondary Schools 306142 458490 1185015
                      成人中专  Adult Specialized Secondary Schools 80770 85103 188094
                      职业高中  Vocational High Schools 205510 268708 723917
                      技工学校  Skilled Workers Schools
   (二)初中阶段教育  Junior Secondary Education
                1. 初中  Junior Secondary Schools 1714188 2304700 6363044
                        初级中学  Regular Junior Secondary Schools 501375 595483 1705127
                        九年一贯制学校  9-Year Schools 595547 878440 2352552
                        十二年一贯制学校  12-Year Schools 265833 380431 1042229
                        完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 351415 450311 1263035
                        职业初中  Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 18 35 101
                2. 成人初中  Adult Junior Secondary Schools
三、初等教育 Primary Education
   (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 1401671 1553073 8845746
                    小学 Primary Schools 668608 764585 4325633
                    九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools 574405 613502 3541088
                    十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools 158658 174986 979025
   (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools
                    其中:扫盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 171 186 816
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 1663 3564 15591
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 9359928 9972628 26397847
另有:民办培训机构(不计校数)Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions 9100988
Note:1.Number of the students in Combined Secondary Schools, 9-Year Schools,12-Year Schools are classified by educational level;
          2.Number of the Students Followed in the Regular Primary and Middle School in the Special Education;
          3. Number of the other Students Followed in the Classes Run by Non-government HEIs for Students Preparing for Self-Taught
             Examinations Leamers, College-preparatory Classes.


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