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Composition of Students in Senior Sec. Schools

    普通高中 成人高中 中等职业教育
  合计 Senior Adult Secondary Vocational Schools
  Total General Secondary 小计 中等专业学校 成人中专 职业高中 技工学校
    Secondary Schools Subtotal Specialized Adult Vocational Skilled Worker
    Schools     Sec. schools SSSs High Schools Schools
学生数(万人) No. of Students (in 10 thousand)                
1965 622.9 130.8   492.1 52.7 351.8 77.5 10.1
1980 1720.5 969.8 75.1 675.6 124.3 449.4 31.9 70.0
1985 1295.7 741.1 139.0 415.6 157.1   184.3 74.2
1990 1528.6 717.3 47.8 763.5 224.4 158.8 247.1 133.2
2000 2463.2 1201.3 32.4 1229.5 489.5 169.3 414.6 156.1
2001 2606.3 1405.0 31.0 1170.3 457.9 189.2 383.1 140.1
2002 2889.8 1683.8 33.5 1172.5 456.4 153.3 428.1 134.7
2003 3240.9 1964.8 21.5 1254.6 502.4 105.5 455.7 191.1
2004 3649.0 2220.4 19.4 1409.2 554.5 103.3 516.9 234.5
1965 100 21.0   79.0 8.5 56.5 12.4 1.6
1980 100 56.4 4.4 39.3 7.2 26.1 1.9 4.1
1985 100 57.2 10.7 32.1 12.1   14.2 5.7
1990 100 46.9 3.1 49.9 14.7 10.4 16.2 8.7
2000 100 48.8 1.3 49.9 19.9 6.9 16.8 6.3
2001 100 53.9 1.2 44.9 17.6 7.3 14.7 5.4
2002 100 58.3 1.2 40.6 15.8 5.3 14.8 4.7
2003 100 60.6 0.7 38.7 15.5 3.3 14.1 5.9
2004 100 60.9 0.5 38.6 15.2 2.8 14.2 6.4



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