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Gross Enrolment Rate of Schools by Level


           Unit: %

  小学 Primary   高中阶段 Senior  
年份 按各地相应 初中 Junior 15-17周岁 高等教育 IHEs
学龄计算 12-14周岁 the age of 15-17  
  According to provincial     18-22周岁
Year entrant age primary the age of 12-14 职前 全口径 the age of 18-22
  Schools years        
1990 111.0 66.7 21.9   3.4
1991 109.5 69.7 23.9   3.5
1992 109.4 71.8 22.6 26.0 3.9
1993 107.3 73.1 24.1 28.4 5.0
1994 108.7 73.8 26.2 30.7 6.0
1995 106.6 78.4 28.8 33.6 7.2
1996 105.7 82.4 31.4 38.0 8.3
1997 104.9 87.1 33.8 40.6 9.1
1998 104.3 87.3 34.4 40.7 9.8
1999 104.3 88.6 35.8 41.0 10.5
2000 104.6 88.6 38.2 42.8 12.5
2001 104.5 88.7 38.6 42.8 13.3
2002 107.5 90.0 38.4 42.8 15.0
2003 107.2 92.7 42.1 43.8 17.0
2004 106.6 94.1 46.5 48.1 19.0



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