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Promotion Rate of Graduates Regular School of All  Level s& Types

年份 小学升初中(% 初中升高级中学(% 高中升高等教育(%
Year Promotion Rate of Primary School Graduates Promotion Rate of Junior Sec.School Graduates Promotion Rate of Senior School Graduates
1990 74.6 40.6 27.3
1991 77.7 42.6 28.7
1992 79.7 43.6 34.9
1993 81.8 44.1 43.3
1994 86.6 47.8 46.7
1995 90.8 50.3 49.9
1996 92.6 49.8 51.0
1997 93.7 51.5 48.6
1998 94.3 50.7 46.1
1999 94.4 50.0 63.8
2000 94.9 51.2 73.2
2001 95.5 52.9 78.8
2002 97.0 58.3 83.5
2003 97.9 59.6 83.4
2004 98.1 63.8 82.5
Note:Promotion rate of senior secondary school graduates is the ratio of total number of new entrants 
admitted to HEIs(including those admitled into the regular full-time courses run by (TRVUs) to the total
number of graduates of regular senior secondary schools of the current year.



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