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Conditions of School Buidings in Adult Higher Educational Institutions



  Floor Area of School Building Owned by HEIs   独立使用非学校
    其中:危房 其中:当年新增 其中:被外单位 正在施工面积 产权建筑面积
  Of Which: Of Which: 借用 Of Which:   Floor Area of School Building Not Owned by HEIs
  Subtotal  Dilapidated Newly Added Floor Space  Floor Area Under
    Buildings in Current Hired by Other Construction
      Year Schools or Units  
总计 Total 35071080 41061 1873521 139203 1825128 2673315
一、教学及辅助用房 Buildings for Instraction and Ancillary Uses 15187370 12672 813718 46024 1001732 1411767
 教室 Classroom 8742856 6060 472148 25791 647603 899449
 图书馆 Library 1480760 1383 113292 5749 89666 74332
 实验室、实习场所 Lab. And Practice Facilities 3445272 3093 144644 10184 155495 316697
 体育馆 Gymnasium 916847 1596 65031 3500 72208 81559
 会堂 Hall 601635 540 18603 800 36760 39730
二、行政办公用房 Administritive 3033732 1076 139243 14033 119881 185015
三、生活用房 Residential Buildings 11259024 22161 858249 69541 631726 1076533
 学生宿舍(公寓) Students' Dormitories 7060471 9020 636860 37895 464665 892722
 学生食堂 Students' Dining Halls 1474754 961 93576 13160 77541 93559
 教工单身宿舍 Apartments for Single 452484 2989 21947 6763 44245 36654
 教工食堂 Dining Halls for Teachers, Staff and Workers 283875 174 10950 450 11242 10173
 生活福利及其他用房 Residential, Welfare and Anxiliary Buildings 1987440 9017 94916 11273 34033 43425
四、教工住宅 Residential Quarters for Teachers & Workers 5590954 5152 62311 9605 71789  



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