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Aggregate Data on Supervisors of Postgraduate Programs

  Unit:in   Person
                            Total     30岁及以下   30 and under      31--35         31 to 35      36--40        36 to 40      41--45            41 to 45    46--50          46 to 50      51--55        51 to 55       56--60             56 to 60   61--65           61 to 65 66岁及以上       66 and over
  计Total  150798 618 8645 34045 36485 27989 15868 13969 7707 5472
 其中:女  Of Which: Female  31472 106 2184 8164 7905 5980 3293 2324 1027 489
分职称:正高级 By Rank:Senior  78046 108 1254 10251 17126 16700 10128 10330 6967 5182
       副高级 Sub-senior  72752 510 7391 23794 19359 11289 5740 3639 740 290
分指导关系:博士导师   By Level of Programs Supervised: Supervisors of doctoral Programs  11065 21 121 1083 1725 1626 1043 1572 1726 2148
             其中:女  Of Which: Female  1141   11 79 162 194 124 181 211 179
           硕士导师  Supervisors of Master's Degree Programs   115774 580 8141 29713 29356 21686 12112 9339 3613 1234
             其中:女  Of Which: Female  27876 104 2134 7789 7260 5256 2843 1781 564 145
           博士、硕士导师 Supervisors of Doc. & Mas. Degree Programs  23959 17 383 3249 5404 4677 2713 3058 2368 2090
             其中:女 Of Which: Female  2455 2 39 296 483 530 326 362 252 165



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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