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Data on Academic Qualifications of Full-time and 

Part-time Teachers in Adult HEIs



Unit:in Person

  Total 博士Doctor's Degrees 硕士Master's Degrees  本科 Normal Courses 专科及以下 Short-cycle Courses and Under
1.专任教师 Full-time Teachers 858393 70487 223860 532705 31341
      其中:女 Of Which: Female   364559 15519 94045 242578 12417
    正高级 Senior                    83231 25105 21826 34774 1526
    副高级 Sub-senior      250251 27732 63174 151326 8019
      级 Middle                    280905 15082 82510 171621 11692
      级 Junior                    183285 889 41978 133178 7240
    无职称 No Rank                    60721 1679 14372 41806 2864
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teachers   181430 16397 51013 108470 5550
      其中:女 Of Which: Female    63239 2963 17603 40625 2048
    正高级 Senior                    39271 9445 11737 17472 617
    副高级 Sub-senior     67750 4732 19091 42124 1803
        Middle                   51478 1621 14342 33726 1789
      级 Junior                    14082 183 3178 10104 617
    无职称 No Rank                    8849 416 2665 5044 724
  聘请校外教师中:外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones    5777 1031 1642 3060 44



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