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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Regular Higher Educational Institutions


Unit: in Person

    增加专任教师数 减少专任教师数  
    Factors of Increase Factors of Decrease 本学年初报表
  上学年初报表   录用毕业生 外单位教师调入 校内、外非教师调入         专任教师数
  专任教师数   New recruits from  Teachers recruited Non-teaching personnel          
    current year graduates from other units changed into teachers     调离教师   Total number
  Total number 合计   其中:Of which:   其中:   其中:   自然减员 岗位 其他 of full-time
  of full-time Total 研究生 本科 高校调入 本校调整 合计 Retired from Transferred Others teachers at
  teachers at   Total completing completing Total Of Which: Total Of Which: Total their posts  from teaching   beginning 
  beginning of     doc. & mas. 1st degree   from reg.    with change    during  to non-   of current
  previous     deg. Prog. courses   HEIs   of status in    previcus teaching   academic
  academic year               their own   academic year posts   year
总计 Total 836769 181006 83114 38060 42646 63648 28493 34244 21833 47269 14302 9980 22987 970506
 其中: Of Which: Female 352569 81595 41254 17684 21410 27246 11509 13095 8011 18366 5275 4063 9028 415798
普通高校 Regular HEIs 733815 162260 75373 36677 37394 56032 25438 30855 20164 37682 11705 8377 17600 858393
 其中: Of Which: Female 306178 72740 37197 17021 18624 23885 10156 11658 7354 14359 4201 3384 6774 364559
成人高校 Adult HEIs  80584 10833 4492 1093 3179 3956 1813 2385 1369 5352 1408 1077 2867 86065
 其中: Of Which: Female 36956 5317 2482 537 1746 1778 819 1057 568 2255 579 433 1243 40018
民办的其他高等教育机构Non-state/private HEIs  22370 7913 3249 290 2073 3660 1242 1004 300 4235 1189 526 2520 26048
 其中: Of Which: Female 9435 3538 1575 126 1040 1583 534 380 89 1752 495 246 1011 11221



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