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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions)


Unit: in Person




Factors of Increase

  Factors of Decrease 本学年初报表
  上学年初报表   录用毕业生 外单位教师调入 非教师调入           专任教师数
      New recruits from current year graduates Teachers recruited Non-teaching personnel            
  专任教师数      from other units changed into teachers     自然 调离教师   Total number
  Total number of  full-time teachers at beginning of previous academic year  合计   研究生 本科生   其中:   其中:本校 其他   减员 岗位人员 其他 of full-time
    Total completing completing 中职 调整 Others 合计 Retired from Transferred Others teachers at
      Total doc, & mas. 1st degree Total 学校调入 Total Of Which:   Total their posts  from teaching   beginning 
        deg.  Prog. courses   Of Which:   with change      during  to non-   of current
              from other    of status in      previcus teaching   academic
                                                SVSs   their own     academic year posts   year
总计 Total 556937 86753 27059 484 20739 26644 8567 10969 7964 22081 #### 8012 12063 52578 571037
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  256937 40693 14973 297 11285 12025 3765 4555 3073 9140 31867 3307 5067 23493 265763
普通中专学校 SSSs 191844 24141 8577 271 7311 6008 2731 3136 2189 6420 #### 2315 3211 13375 197084
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  89639 11527 4840 176 3994 2755 1247 1358 909 2574 8162 889 1284 5989 93004
成人中专学校 Adult SSSs 72171 12153 2313 57 1807 4168 871 1240 898 4432 8566 1454 1500 5612 75758
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  31516 5319 1123 20 850 1779 319 526 340 1891 3546 491 622 2433 33289
职业高中学校High Vocational Schools 254672 43369 13571 103 10181 14944 4321 5404 4117 9450 #### 3826 6092 17511 270612
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  118102 20575 7644 71 5683 6793 1870 2188 1542 3950 11922 1750 2631 7541 126755
其他机构 Other Institutions 38250 7090 2598 53 1440 1524 644 1189 760 1779 #### 417 1260 16080 27583
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  17680 3272 1366 30 758 698 329 483 282 725 8237 177 530 7530 12715



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