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Basic Statistics of Special Education 

Unit:in Person
  学校数 班数(个) 毕业生数 招生数           Enrolment          
  (所)       合计 一年级 二年级 三年级 四年级 五年级 六年级 七年级 八年级 九年级 十年级
  Schools Classes Graduates Entrants Total Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
总计 Total 1560 13368 46727 50771 371813 46397 47798 50421 51623 49876 43987 25424 25631 23950 6706
其中女 Of Which Female     16604 18018 130222 16350 16753 17380 17828 17175 15248 9131 9257 8513 2587
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind 33 833     41713 4120 4305 4985 4870 4607 4076 5132 4247 4165 1206
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute 668 8334     112833 16219 14174 14510 14457 12839 11585 9086 9676 7132 3155
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded 369 4201     217267 26058 29319 30926 32296 32430 28326 11206 11708 12653 2345
其他学校 Other Schools 490                            
特殊教育学校 Schools For Special Edu.   12675 11853 19282 128843 20653 16870 15956 15520 13393 12408 10531 9803 8448 5261
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind   827     7529 1157 920 1003 753 638 501 526 434 401 1196
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute   8241     85154 12794 10344 10396 10526 9214 8774 7481 6908 5582 3135
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   3607     36160 6702 5606 4557 4241 3541 3133 2524 2461 2465 930
小学附设特教班 Classes Attached to Primary Schools   678 650 771 4830 876 675 981 804 819 661 14      
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind   6     99 38 11 18 21 4 7        
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute   93     614 180 97 130 90 59 58        
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   579     4117 658 567 833 693 756 596 14      
小学随班就读 Followers in Primary Schools     21460 17427 190486 24868 30253 33484 35299 35664 30918        
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind         21892 2925 3374 3964 4096 3965 3568        
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute         21122 3245 3733 3984 3841 3566 2753        
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded         147472 18698 23146 25536 27362 28133 24597        
普通(职业)初中附设特教    Special Classes Attached to Junior High(Vacational) Schools   15 35 64 195             44 20 36 95
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind         3             2 1    
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute         5             1 2 2  
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   15     187             41 17 34 95
普通(职业)初中随班就读 Followers in Junior High(Vacational) Schools     12729 13227 47459             14835 15808 15466 1350
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind         12190             4604 3812 3764 10
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute         5938             1604 2766 1548 20
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded         29331             8627 9230 10154 1320
合计中: Of the Total                              
  城市 Urban 710 7321 13444 14364 106009 13044 11903 12122 12640 12304 11654 8825 8808 8769 5940
  县镇 County Seats & Towns 771 5463 12914 15538 98911 13402 12463 12967 12976 12138 10568 8316 8282 7205 594
  农村 Rural 79 584 20369 20869 166893 19951 23432 25332 26007 25434 21765 8283 8541 7976 172



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