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Number of Pre-school Education by Ages

        Unit: in Person







其中学前班 其中学前班 其中学前班
Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School
总计 Total 13503007 7540944 20894002 8882683 10597227 7024480
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 6047868 3383225 9438046 3994948 4789932 3172551
  少数民族 Minorities 1001545 760281 1252576 821058 672971 564443
  教育部门和集体办 Run by Ed. Dept. & Communities 9585680 6664467 13410073 7585127 7881520 5980074
 3岁以下 3 and under 304642 26930 382749 30878 12473 3163
 3-5岁 3-5 years 4225307 2066692 6592785 2423254 625260 403218
 5岁以上 5 and over 5055731 4570845 6434539 5130995 7243787 5573693
    社会力量办  Non-state/private 3200860 688586 5841073 1007106 2089228 786802
 3岁以下 3 and under 460036 10112 638329 12367 35757 1294
 3-5岁 3-5 years 1890009 179941 3584607 252297 296556 53847
 5岁以上 5 and over 850815 498533 1618137 742442 1756915 731661
  其他部门办  Run by Non-ed. Dept. 716467 187891 1642856 290450 626479 257604
 3岁以下 3 and under 130161 1320 174372 1910 8244 241
 3-5岁 3-5 years 378769 35777 954541 50511 71191 14158
 5岁以上 5 and over 207537 150794 513943 238029 547044 243205
城市 Urban 2661464 791256 5534326 1089877 2139004 872581
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 1186320 351155 2505300 484956 953906 384729
  少数民族 Minorities 96762 45413 166687 52550 66189 36249
  教育部门和集体办   Run by Ed. Dept. &  Communities 1151136 520771 2165403 641529 984722 510138
 3岁以下 3 and under 101041 2220 132640 2456 4722 168
 3-5岁 3-5 years 562438 123531 1205654 154794 81151 29297
 5岁以上 5 and over 487657 395020 827109 484279 898849 480673
    社会力量办    Non-state/private 1027310 179023 2145824 288616 716758 222389
 3岁以下 3 and under 185082 2070 276302 3105 18549 473
 3-5岁 3-5 years 580619 32874 1279928 48308 103268 9497
 5岁以上 5 and over 261609 144079 589594 237203 594941 212419
  其他部门办    Run by Non-ed. Dept. 483018 91462 1223099 159732 437524 140054
 3岁以下 3 and under 101107 596 134768 881 6862 143
 3-5岁 3-5 years 268554 18380 734541 27738 50968 6974
 5岁以上 5 and over 113357 72486 353790 131113 379694 132937



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