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                                                                                                                                                                            Data on the Completion of Capital Construction Investment in the Educational Sector

学校类别                                                      Type of School 投资合计                    Total Investment        Completed in the            Curent yeal             (in 10 Thousand Yuan) 本年完成投资按资金来源分(万元Investment by source of Fund (in 10 Thousand Yuan) 本年竣工建筑面积(平方米)                                
国家预算内                   Budgetary Allocation 自筹资金                              Self - raised Fund 其他                Other Sources Building Floor Area Completed ( in m2 )
                       Subtotal 中央                       Central 省级                       Local                        Subtotal 其中     Of Which:                        Total 教学及辅助用房 行政办公用房 其他用房
学校自筹         Raised by            School 个人捐资               Individual       Donations
                                                                      Total 16194307 2633314 1160486 1472827 10490575 7754895 490647 3070418 116454793 84622852 4110351 27721590
普通高等学校                                              Regular Institutions of Higher Education 8896537 920046 510959 409087 5742660 5393993 201179 2233831 39097161 23797218 1271536 14028407
中等师范学校                                              Teacher Teaining Schools 37859 2518 566 1952 29566 16532 5887 5775 297142 174324 1532 121286
普通中学                                                         Regular Secondary Schools 4690463 1004204 371967 632237 3074811 1684380 182147 611448 47494377 35832547 1741259 9920571
职业中学                                                         Vocational Schools 280060 42841 8106 34735 208161 121669 14160 29058 2577106 1886501 68071 622534
小学                                                                  primary Schools 1918074 611569 257408 354160 1167421 424028 61716 139084 24385132 21227799 858807 2298526
特殊教育学校                                                  Special Education Schools 18941 5178 1186 3992 12393 1522 1566 1370 176268 135919 7216 33133
幼儿园                                                Kindergartens 119709 4735 150 4585 88241 24386 7236 26733 816891 663476 37846 115569
其他                                                                    Other 232664 42223 10144 32079 167322 88385 16756 23119 1610716 905068 124084 581564


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