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Statistics of R & D Projects and Achievements in Regular HEIs


Unit: in thousand Yuan



出版科技专著(部) No. Of Mono- graphs Published 发表学术论文(篇) No. Of Papers Published



知识产权 授权数   No. Of Awarded  专利出售 Income from

R&D Projects

Achieverments Awards

Technological Transfer

License Arrangements
课题(项) No. Of projects 投入人数 No. Of Input of S&T Manpower 实际支出 Actual Exp. 合计 Total 其中:国家奖 Of Which: National Awards 合同数 No. Of Contracts 收入 Actual Revenues 项数 No. Of Items 实现金额 Income
合计: Total 191744 189992 19397679 8619 428229 4102 190 9188 1355338 6399 731 277585
按学校规格分 Breakdown by category of HEIs                        
 重点院校 Key HEIs 93520 79930 13395119 2711 182316 1867 136 5334 908640 4429 389 167933
 一般院校 Ordinary Degree Level HEIs 95186 106369 5935564 4996 232082 2193 51 3834 446101 1897 341 109647
 高等专科学校 Short-cycle HEIs 3038 3693 66996 912 13831 42 3 20 597 73 1 5
按学校隶属分 Breakdown by Control                        
 部委院校 HEIs under Other Central Ministries 13899 10547 2412864 312 22921 274 16 1272 188224 286 36 8312
 教育部直属院校 HEIs Under Ministry of Education 78112 68280 10811242 2413 157889 1543 119 4411 719110 4049 354 151021
 地方院校 HEIs Under Local Govermments 99733 111165 6173573 5894 247419 2285 55 3505 448004 2064 341 118252
按学校类型分 Breakdown by Type of HEIs                        
 综合大学 Comprehensive Universities 50367 51343 4774787 1775 112084 996 61 2125 267565 1843 155 63623
 工科院校 Engineering 89280 77503 12481611 3392 181990 1788 92 5533 944683 3749 524 164899
 农林院校 Agriculture 14433 14054 1009022 663 22486 293 15 515 46773 272 15 26113
 医药院校 Medicine & Pharmacy 21276 30153 544627 1440 61213 794 18 815 61863 207 11 10810
 师范院校 Teachers Training 13221 13711 509128 718 40229 187 3 153 29474 257 22 11955
 其他院校 Others 3167 3227 78504 631 10227 44 1 47 4980 71 4 185



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