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Humanities and Social Sciences R & D Expenditure in Regular HEIs

单位:百元 Unit: in Hundred Yuan

    学校数() No. Of HEIs


支出 Expenditures

转拨给外单位经费 Extra- mural Exp.
合计 Total 科研事业费 Primary Research Funds 科研基金费  Grants by Research Funds 国家社科规划、基金项目经费 Funds Allocated to Projects Supported by NSSP Funds   中央其他部门社科专项经费 Earmarked SSRF Provided by Other Central Agencies      省市自治区社科专项经费 Earmarked SSRF Provided by Prov. Authorities 企事业单位委托项目经费 Contract Research Funds Provided by Ent.& Inst. 金融机构贷款 Loans Provided by Financial Inst. 自筹经费 Self- raised Fubds 国外资金 Foreign Funds 其他收入 Others Revenues 合计 Total

内部支出 Intramural Expenditures

小计 Subtotal 科研人员费 Personnel Costss 业务费 Non- Personnel Expenses 科研基建费 Capital Constr-uction Funds for R&D 仪器设备费 Instruments and Equipment 图书资料费 Books and Infor-mation 管理费 Manage- ment 其他 Others
  合计: Total   24343244 10875819 105900 776434 1257795 2179665 4591838 37400 2587119 4811116 1314678 21140166 20882564 7107234 7439011 121432 2064874 2063312 485515 1601185 257602
按学校规格分 Breakdown by category of HEIs 本科院校 644 23813035 10502270 104620 773244 1251115 2122404 4576001 37400 2521111 616595 1308275 20637062 20385113 6816480 7378685 118782 1976419 2027475 478690 1588582 251949
专科院校 133 530209 373548.8 1280 3190 6680 57261 15837 0 66008 616595 6403 503104 497451 290755 60327 2650 88455 35837 6824 12603 5653
按学校隶属关系分 Breakdown by Control 教育部直属院校 HEIs Under Ministry of Education 73 9631101 2910118 0 339923 744872 712514 2674931 0 885521 371612 991610 7531849 7438758 1711773 3619857 0 615639 532631 222633 736225 93091
其他部委院校 HEIs under Other Central Ministries 29 1407615 739292 200 51841 191361 83319 187531 0 98040 6760 49271 1199094 1169464 307322 410797 0 58630 277198 23881 91636 29630
地方院校 HEIs Under Local Govermments 675 13304528 7226409 105700 384670 321562 1383833 1729377 37400 1603558 238224 273796 12409223 12274342 5088140 3408358 121432 1390604 1253483 239001 773324 134881
按学校类型分 Breakdown by Type of HEIs 综合大学 Comprehensive Universities 137 8779751 3714724 0 359149 518875 742945 1916347 5900 801556 257822 462432 7210712 7135803 2345053 2562000 2800 750891 701445 195760 577854 74908
理工农医院校  HEIs Science and Technology, Agriculture and Medicine 312 5624416 2101524 4080 99553 393929 731093 1319752 0 423603 448436 360268 4814088 4695734 1577939 1736663 8363 376684 578793 151373 265920 118354
师范院校 Teachers Training 168 5109781 2637033 81500 161732 156181 351165 807564 31500 691613 546827 93102 4782288 4742035 1596872 1642490 83600 543854 435457 66986 372777 40253
语文院校 Languages 14 646580.9 225345.5 0 6692 7003 17896 32528 0 168227 549867 185849 611158 611158 218778 161362 0 33620 37716 5365 154317 0
财经院校 Finance and Economics 60 2442463 1240845 3800 84400 86041 206842 440477 0 254635 564198 111093 2158580 2140540 812179 792445 14300 148971 193502 43070 136072 18040
政法院校 Political Science & Law 30 650233 373547.4 1480 21920 35235 30781 19028 0 74733 608967 48740 527433 525747 186690 157513 2640 80795 36626 7772 53712 1686
艺术院校 Art 29 423538 245737.5 0 2384 550 44096 27274 0 88172 609437 14854 390531 389531 140521 153053 429 52329 28831 3510 10858 1000
民族院校 Minorities 12 301844 159653 0 22506 20637 18345 15244 0 52833 616595 5469 306517 305817 95225 111716 0 45179 34897 3861 14939 700
体育院校 Physical Culture 15 364636 177410.4 15040 18098 39345 36502 13624 0 31747 608967 32870 338858 336198 133976 121769 9300 32552 16045 7818 14737 2660



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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