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Data on Academic Qualifications of Full-time and 

Part-time Teachers in Non-state/private HEIs





Unit:in Person



博士Doctor's Degrees

硕士Master's Degrees 

    本科 Normal Courses

专科及以下Short-cycle Courses and Under

1.专任教师                   Full-time Teachers                    22528 724 3026 14804 3974
      其中:女                    Of Which: Female                 9873 221 1210 6575 1867
    正高级 Senior                    3079 296 836 1790 157
    副高级 Sub-senior                    5750 264 1142 3926 418
      级 Middle                    7032 130 791 4909 1202
      级 Junior                    3926 14 113 2623 1176
    无职称 No Rank                    2741 20 144 1556 1021
2.聘请校外教师         Part-time Teachers                 39537 2156 8817 24124 4440
      其中:女                  Of Which: Female                 14714 584 3455 9407 1268
    正高级 Senior                    5674 1019 1762 2728 165
    副高级 Sub-senior                    12387 675 3836 7572 304
        Middle                   16159 295 2460 10151 3253
      级 Junior                    3642 25 251 2838 528
    无职称 No Rank                    1675 142 508 835 190
  聘请校外教师中:外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones             117 2 28 79 8



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