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Condition of School Buildings in Primary Schools (2)

  体育运动场()   图书藏量 电子图书藏量 固定资产总值(万元)
  面积 计算机 () () Total Volue of Fixed Asset (in 10 thousand yuan)
  (平方米) (台) Books & Electronic Books   其中:仪器设备总值(万元)
  Sports Areas PC Magazines & Magazines Of Which: Total Volue of Equip & Instru. (in 10 thousand yuan)
  (m2) (set) in Libraries in Libraries Total 专业实验设备 专业实习设备
      (Volume) (Volume)   Sub Total For Prefession For Practice
合计 Total 822386027 4035645 1482221928 88969651 35431288.90 3157397.05 1747762.49 334848.35
城市 Urban 68027998 1205787 269796441 37783058 8306356.31 1114513.50 550082.69 91058.38
县镇 County Seats & Towns 121270576 1112686 335646090 18823142 8479367.66 801042.22 455588.97 99199.30
农村 Rural 633087453 1717172 876779397 32363451 18645564.93 1241841.33 742090.83 144590.67


版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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