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Basic Statistics of Special Education

Unit:in Person
  学校数 班数(个) 毕业生数 招生数           Enrolment          
  (所)       合计 一年级 二年级 三年级 四年级 五年级 六年级 七年级 八年级 九年级 十年级
  Schools Classes Graduates Entrants Total Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10
总计 Total 1605 14257 45187 49838 362946 45544 46740 47732 47984 47633 43773 26176 25636 24053 7675
其中女 Of Which Female     16202 17990 128869 16268 16306 16679 16827 16594 15444 9680 9274 8826 2971
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind 35 902     41520 3920 4406 4751 4793 5143 4525 4010 4300 4320 1352
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute 629 8508     115785 15558 14661 14299 13850 13263 12452 9923 9101 8250 4428
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded 382 4847     205641 26066 27673 28682 29341 29227 26796 12243 12235 11483 1895
其他学校 Other Schools 559                            
特殊教育学校 Schools For Special Edu.   13594 12569 20245 141127 21766 18721 17472 15797 14963 13983 11833 10323 9457 6812
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind   888     8177 990 950 921 893 858 590 611 552 476 1336
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute   8436     88852 12384 10937 10487 9982 9734 9478 7985 7059 6404 4402
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   4270     44098 8392 6834 6064 4922 4371 3915 3237 2712 2577 1074
小学附设特教班 Classes Attached to Primary Schools   651 501 749 4566 816 829 939 707 672 602   1    
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind   14     129 34 34 28 16 7 10        
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute   71     461 99 69 106 93 37 57        
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   566     3976 683 726 805 598 628 535   1    
小学随班就读 Followers in Primary Schools     20268 16419 172139 22962 27190 29321 31480 31998 29188        
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind         22207 2896 3422 3802 3884 4278 3925        
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute         20620 3075 3655 3706 3775 3492 2917        
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded         129312 16991 20113 21813 23821 24228 22346        
普通(职业)初中附设特教    Special Classes Attached to Junior High(Vacational) Schools   12 53 55 134             55 40 39  
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind                              
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute   1     28                 28  
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded   11     106             55 40 11  
普通(职业)初中随班就读 Followers in Junior High(Vacational) Schools     11796 12370 44980             14288 15272 14557 863
盲人学校 Schools for the Blind         11007             3399 3748 3844 16
聋人学校 Schools for the Deaf-mute         5824             1938 2042 1818 26
弱智学校 Schools for Retarded         28149             8951 9482 8895 821
合计中: Of the Total         97874 13479 11690 11072 10494 10266 9610 10211 8967 8462 3623
  城市 Urban 672 7399 13259 14422 183737 25044 22218 21600 20532 20053 18917 16082 14900 14016 10375
  县镇 County Seats & Towns 857 6215 14847 17344 115174 15077 14323 14232 14321 14491 13622 9946 9574 8781 807
  农村 Rural 76 643 17081 18072 143607 18321 21053 21907 22188 21561 19021 6629 6615 6211 101


版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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