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Number of Minority  Students Enrolled, Teachers, Staff &

 Workers in Regular Schools at Various Levels


Unit:in 10 thousand


少数民族学生 Minority Students

少数民族教职工 Minority Teachers, Staff & Workers

少数民族专任教师 Minority Full-time Teachers


人数 Number

占学生总数的比重(%) Percentage

人数 Number

占教职工总数的比重(%) Percentage

人数 Number


普通高等学校 Regular HEIs 69.76 6.55 6.77 4.66 3.63 5.01
成人高等学校 HEIs for Adults 12.00 9.51 0.87 5.18 0.48 5.40
民办的其他高等教育机构 Non-state/private HEIs     0.06 1.17 0.03 1.11
普通高中 Regular Senior Sec. Schools 128.13 6.52 39.97 7.27 6.61 6.18
中等职业学校 Secondary Voc. Schools 56.49 5.31 4.39 4.99 2.79 4.98
普通初中 Regular Junior Sec. Schools 526.33 7.95     26.73 7.71
职业初中  Junior Sec. Vcational Schools 8.74 12.07 0.35 9.72 0.30 9.72
小学 Primary Schools 1120.70 9.59 62.70 10.02 57.09 10.01
特殊教育 Special Education 2.56 7.01 0.21 5.06 0.15 5.09
幼儿园 Kindergardens 117.75 5.88 3.93 4.04 2.62 4.28
Note:The number of minority teachers,staff and workers employed by junior secondary schools is included in that employ by seniro secondary schools
  Data of regular do not include the data of adult HEIsData of adult HEIs are th statistics of 2002


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