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2003 Data on the Number of Schools of all Types and Levels

and their Staff and Workers and Fulltime Teachers

  学校数(所) No. of Schools 教职工数(人) Staff & Workers 专任教师(人) Fulltime Teachers
一、高等教育 Higher Education      
(一)研究生培养机构(不计校数)Institutions Providing Postgraduate Programs 720  
 1、普通高校 Regular HEIs 407  
 2、科研机构 Research Institutes 313  
(二)普通高等学校 Regular HEIs 1552 1452623 724658
 1、本科院校 HEIs Offering Degree Programs 644 1060628 502458
 2、专科院校 Short-cycle HEIs 908 350636 196872
 其中:职业技术学院 Of Which: Tertiary Vocational-technical Colleges 711 268239 149473
 3、其他机构(点)(不计校数) Other Institutions 284 41359 25328
(三)成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 558 168069 88861
(四)民办的其他高等教育机构 Non-state/private HEIs 1104 52537 24543
 1、学历文凭考试机构 Institutions Adm. Exams for Formal 384 29733 13733
 2、非学历文凭考试机构 Institutions Adm. Exams for Non-formal 720 22804 10810
二、中等教育 Secondary Education      
 (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary 31883 6589542 1762581
 1、高中 Senior Secondary Schools 17096 5505370 1076629
 普通高中 Regular Schools 15779 5496535 1070575
 成人高中 Adult Schools 1317 8835 6054
 2、中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Schools 14787 1084172 685952
 普通中专 Regular Specialized Sec. Schools 3065 347013 198550
 成人中专 Adult SSSs 2823 126113 75341
 职业高中 Vocational High Schools 5824 363312 257945
 技工学校 Skilled Workers Schools 3075 203400 126000
 其他机构(教学点)(不计校数) Other Institutions 2275 44334 28116
 (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education      
 1、普通初中 Regular Junior Secondary Schools 63711   3466735
 2、职业初中 Vocational JSSs 1019 36300 30788
 3、成人初中 Adult JSSs 1920 8203 4801
三、初等教育 Primary Education      
 (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 425846 6256185 5702750
 (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools 82713 124059 47609
 其中:扫盲班 Of Which: Literacy Classes 55901 86317 28674
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 82 2636 1580
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 1551 40853 30349
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 116390 973159 612856
Note:1.Data on Staff and workers in regular junior secondary schools are included in the data 
 of regular senior secondary schools.
 2.Data of the following items are 2002 data:(1)Number of staff & workers, fulltime teachers
 of adult HEIs;(2)Number of skilled workers schools and number of staff & workers and
 fulltime teachersemployeel in SWSs.


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