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Aggregate Data on Staff and Workers in Adult HEIs


Unit:in Person



Teacher,staff & Workers



科研机构人员Personnel in Affiliated Research Org.

校办企业职工Employees in School-run Factories & Farms

其他附设机构人员Personnel in Others Subsidiary Units

Teacher,staff  & Workers in College or Uni. Proper


专任教师 Full-time Teachers

行政人员 Adm. Personnel

教辅人员Supporting Staff







无职称 No Rank

总计 Total 168069 162641 88861 1999 23438 39577 19365 4482 34579 19446 19755 630 2627 2171
其中:女 Of which: Female 73716 71343 39771 462 9124 18434 9503 2248 14588 9922 7062 200 1018 1155
分类型:职工高等学校 By type:Workers' Colleges 51846 49127 27366 663 7589 13204 4910 1000 9907 5274 6580 129 1299 1291
 农民高等学校 Peasants' College 260 260 164 0 21 71 69 3 45 19 32 0 0 0
 管理干部学院 Institutes for Administration 24352 23574 11712 567 3724 4539 2227 655 5593 2777 3492 150 423 205
 教育学院 Educational College 23282 22690 13339 353 4236 5335 2661 754 4118 2487 2746 64 221 307
 独立函授学院 Independent Correspondence Colleges 517 517 389 15 63 203 94 14 104 0 24 0 0 0
 广播电视大学 Radio/Tv Universities 64574 63353 34275 370 7396 15413 9088 2008 14100 8464 6514 285 584 352
 其他机构 Other Institutions 3238 3120 1616 31 409 812 316 48 712 425 367 2 100 16
分举办者:1.中央部委所属 By Provider:Under Central Ministries & Agencies 5295 5091 2001 188 603 849 301 60 1570 711 809 14 59 131
 教育部 MOE 406 397 105 7 49 43 6 0 138 100 54 9 0 0
 其他部委 Other Central Agencies 4889 4694 1896 181 554 806 295 60 1432 611 755 5 59 131
 2.地方所属 Local Auth. 162511 157287 86717 1792 22773 38687 19049 4416 32947 18705 18918 616 2568 2040
 教育部门 Ed. Dept. 115688 112728 62424 1041 15746 27496 14713 3428 23455 13882 12967 516 1595 849
 其他部门 Non-ed. Dept. 46823 44559 24293 751 7027 11191 4336 988 9492 4823 5951 100 973 1191
 3.民办 Non-state/private 263 263 143 19 62 41 15 6 62 30 28 0 0 0
Note:Data of adult HEIs are th statistics of 2002.


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