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Data on Academic Qualifications of Full-time and 

Part-time Teachers in Non-state/private HEIs


Unit:in Person



博士Doctor's Degrees

硕士Master's Degrees

本科 Normal Courses

专科及以下 Short-cycle Courses and Under

1.专任教师 Full-time Teachers 24543 664 3153 16800 3926
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 10272 176 1146 7101 1849
 正高级 Senior 3523 321 825 2276 101
 副高级 Sub-senior 6876 253 1293 4999 331
 中级 Middle 7936 81 841 5698 1316
 初级 Junior 3934 2 137 2597 1198
 无职称 No Rank 2274 7 57 1230 980
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teachers 50570 2144 9482 29732 9212
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 18564 484 3434 11761 2885
 正高级 Senior 8610 1123 2472 4789 226
 副高级 Sub-senior 18521 678 3931 11965 1947
 中级 Middle 20680 301 2551 11357 6471
 初级 Junior 1829 11 307 1170 341
 无职称 No Rank 930 31 221 451 227
 聘请校外教师中:外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones             262 28 86 145 3



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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