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Data on Academic Qualifications of Full-time and 

Part-time Teachers in Adult HEIs


Unit:in Person



博士Doctor's Degrees

硕士Master's Degrees

本科 Normal Courses

专科及以下 Short-cycle Courses and Under

1.专任教师 Full-time Teachers 724658 53612 182517 458522 30007
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 302257 10484 74059 205518 12196
 正高级 Senior 70063 19598 18359 30732 1374
 副高级 Sub-senior 216161 21905 56262 130230 7764
 中级 Middle 240555 10339 70142 148507 11567
 初级 Junior 146092 520 28585 110185 6802
 无职称 No Rank 51787 1250 9169 38868 2500
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teachers 134250 9815 33123 85505 5807
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 48452 1811 11368 32639 2634
 正高级 Senior 26603 5801 7302 13027 473
 副高级 Sub-senior 48518 2846 11976 31800 1896
 中级 Middle 40693 876 9656 28237 1924
 初级 Junior 12268 107 2270 8921 970
 无职称 No Rank 6168 185 1919 3520 544
 聘请校外教师中:外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones 4576 726 1365 2443 42



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