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Number of Full-time Teachers by Field of Study in Regular Higher Educational Institutions


Unit: in Person


合计 Total

教授 Professors

副教授 Asso. prof.

讲师 Lecturers

助教 Assistants

教员 Instructors

合计中公共课教师 of total: Faculty members Teaching Basic Courses

总计 Total 462772 43674 138820 166607 89090 24581 91105
其中:女 Of which: Female 176965 6425 43579 71698 43011 12252 35988
哲学 Philosophy 15669 1301 5051 6251 2530 536 8379
经济学 Economics 37772 3041 10588 15169 7199 1775 3659
法学 Law 14097 1003 3642 5752 2875 825 2982
教育学 Education 44416 1797 11552 18233 10123 2711 22201
文学 Literature 84009 5191 21106 31004 20433 6275 24128
历史学 History 8387 1041 2656 3201 1193 296 1420
理学 Science 78904 8660 26955 26500 13253 3536 19545
工学 Engineering 127758 14567 41212 43935 21875 6169 7326
农学 Agriculture 15494 2069 5042 5224 2493 666 321
医学 Medicine 36266 5004 11016 11338 7116 1792 1144



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