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Number of  Students by Field of Study in Specialized Secondary Schools


Unit:in Person



招生数 Entrants    




毕业生数 Graduates

合计 Total

招高中毕业生数 From Senior Sec. Schools Graduates

招初中毕业生数 From Junior Sec. Schools Graduates

在校学生数 Enrolment

毕业班学生数 Graduates for Next Year

总计 Total 1507237 1325870 47381 1278489 4895159 1507955
工科 Industry 463022 461400 10566 450834 1765751 488976
农科 Agriculture 58584 47138 1771 45367 192618 64107
林科 Forestry 12700 12548 483 12065 49085 14302
医药卫生科 Health 129893 178810 1670 177140 568101 134062
财经 Finance & Economics 217054 128301 5309 122992 523468 189541
管理 Administration 169308 142896 3887 139009 540025 177398
政法 Politics & Law 47534 48471 12712 35759 144693 50972
艺术 Art 58184 73566 1613 71953 244855 64957
体育 Physical Culture 20474 25404 300 25104 76433 20571
师范 Teachers Training 330484 207336 9070 198266 790130 303069
其中:幼儿师范专业 Of Which:for Pre-School Teacher 28008 26041 32 26009 82499 27482
特教师范专业 For Special Education 2084 1987 80 1907 6871 1863



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