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Basic Data on Supervisors of Postgraduate Programmes in China


Unit: in Person

    30岁及以下 31-35岁 36-40岁 41-45岁 46-50岁 51-55岁 56-60岁 61 岁及以上
  合计 30 Years 31-35years 36-40years 41-45years 46-50years 51-55years 56-60years 61 Years
  Total & Under             & Over
总计 Total 101097 327 6772 24850 17930 13258 11770 14432 11758
其中:女 Of Which: Female  17440 51 1108 4358 3247 2685 2143 2505 1343
一、分职称 By academic rank                
教授 Professors 44648 19 865 5925 6785 5903 5910 9200 10041
副教授 Asso. Professors 44202 246 4848 16047 9082 5793 4351 3338 497
其他高级职称 with other adv. Titles 12247 62 1059 2878 2063 1562 1509 1894 1220
二、分指导关系 By supervisory function                
博士导师 Supervisors of doctoral programmes 7052 6 101 634 687 585 657 1300 3082
硕士导师 Supervisors of master's degree prog. 79104 315 6366 22032 14920 10922 9324 10401 4824
博士、硕士导师 Supervisors of doc. & mas. Degree programmes 14941 6 305 2184 2323 1751 1789 2731 3852



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