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Aggregate Data on Staff and Workers in Regular HEIs


Unit:in Persons



Teachers,Staff & Workers



科研机构人员 Personnel in Affiliated Research Org.

校办企业职工 Employees in School-run Factories & Farms

其他附设机构人员 Personnel in Others Subsidiary Units

Teachers,Staff & Workers in College or Uni. Proper



行政人员 Adm. Personnel

教辅人员 Supporting Staff

工勤人员 Workers

Full-time Teachers


正高级 Senior

副高级 Sub-senior

中级 Middle

初级 Junior

无职称 No Rank

总计 Total 1303575 1127345 618419 60210 186293 210992 120229 40695 204845 149483 154598 44807 55886 75537
其中:女 Of Which:Female 545812 473226 251422 9987 65778 93815 60459 21383 86639 78242 56923 16320 18553 37713
分类型:本科院校 By Type of HEIs: HEIs Offening Degree Level Programs 1001053 842317 454882 55180 143952 148184 80166 27400 153178 119542 114715 42983 46567 69186
 高职(专科)院校 Short-cycle HEIs and Teitiary Vocational Colleges 287137 270495 155872 4741 40299 59811 38321 12700 48630 28452 37541 1727 8939 5976
 其他 Other 15385 14533 7665 289 2042 2997 1742 595 3037 1489 2342 97 380 375
分举办者:1.中央部委所属 By Providers: Central Ministries & Agencies 332871 254118 127110 24338 43834 38620 15569 4749 45968 43114 37926 31306 18126 29321
 教育部 MOE 262698 202572 102726 20395 35239 31097 12287 3708 35841 33759 30246 20593 16209 23324
 其他部委 Other Coutral Agencies 70173 51546 24384 3943 8595 7523 3282 1041 10127 9355 7680 10713 1917 5997
2.地方所属 Local Authorities 926348 830389 467388 32992 136347 165865 98904 33280 150037 102092 110872 13196 36841 45922
 教育部门 Ed. Dept. 754734 671827 377752 30206 111462 130755 78157 27172 120524 84560 88991 11593 30614 40700
 其他部门 Non-Ed. Dept. 171614 158562 89636 2786 24885 35110 20747 6108 29513 17532 21881 1603 6227 5222
3.民办 Non-state/private 44356 42838 23921 2880 6112 6507 5756 2666 8840 4277 5800 305 919 294



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