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Conditions of School Buidings in Regular Higher Educational Institutions



    教学及辅助用房   生活用房
    Teaching & Ancillary Buidings 行政办 Residential Buildings
  合计       实验实习场   公用房 学生宿舍 学生食堂 教工单身 教工及 教工食堂 福利及
  Total  教室 图书馆 附属用房 体育馆 会堂 Adm.  Subtotal Students' Students' 宿舍 家属住宅 Halls for 附属用房
    Subtotal  Classrooms Libraries Lab. And  Gymnasium hall Building   Dormitories Dining  Apartments Residences Staff & Welfare
          Supplementary           Halls for Single for Teachers Workers anxiliary
          building               & Workers   Buildings
校舍建筑总面积 Total Floor Space  143735300 46625911 16319571 6624927 20922063 1575147 1184203 6853041 90256348 22095124 4368851 2699742 46669276 726348 13697007
其中:外单位借占用面积 of which:Under lease by other units 1010695 38571 16862 6902 14807 0 0 46647 925477 27252 2003 17607 719395 4889 154331
危房面积 Floor Space of Dilapidated Buildings  3587642 907414 308961 62087 460490 32598 43278 197036 2483192 458552 84206 168369 1294603 24595 452867
当年新增面积 New Floor Space Added in Current Year 6542016 1700312 715323 240639 654642 39541 50167 164858 4676846 1073625 151842 62295 3040966 11598 336520
正在施工面积 Floor Space under Construction 7828057 2716448 942585 451411 1092606 163277 66569 233876 4877733 553816 185970 89725 3563781 25864 458577
借、租用校舍面积 Leased Floorspace 532069 113927 85429 6889 14704 1194 5711 29577 350657 170691 14005 4526 54219 600 106616



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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