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Number of Full-time Teachers by Field of Study in Regular Higher Educational Institutions


Unit: in Person

  合计 Total 教授 Professors 副教授 Asso. prof. 讲师 Lecturers 助教 Assistants 教员 Instructors 合计中公共课教师 of total: Faculty members Teaching Basic Courses
总计 Total 404471 35914 114278 156791 76561 20927 77140
其中:女 Of which: Female                                                              142404 5257 30825 61453 35379 9490 28184
哲学 Philosophy 13460 1034 3831 5756 2346 493 7563
经济学 Economics 30792 2106 7491 12926 6627 1642 2817
法学 Law 10011 746 2184 4459 2068 554 1771
教育学 Education 31224 1215 6693 13707 7658 1951 14878
文学 Literature 66655 4010 16148 26092 15851 4554 20961
历史学 History 8084 841 2298 3396 1223 326 1552
理学 Science 77944 7246 25615 29836 11862 3385 19502
工学 Engineering 112979 11492 34989 41872 18927 5699 5815
农学 Agriculture 15701 1787 4639 5671 2872 732 376
医学 Medicine 37621 5437 10390 13076 7127 1591 1905



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