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Conditions of School Buidings in AdultSpecialized  Secondary Schools



  Buildings Owned by the Adult SSSs  
    教学用房   非教学用房      
    Buildings for Instructional  Purposes   Residential and Welfare     租用校舍 兼用校舍
  学校建筑   教室         其中   Of which     Leased  Buildings
  总面积   Classrooms     办公用房     当年新增校舍 Buildings for 
  Floor 合计   其中:             其他用房 New Floor   Multiple
  Space Total 电化教室 实验室 图书馆 Office 合计 教职工宿舍 学生宿舍 Others Space Added   Purposes
      Total Of Which: Laboratories Libraries   Total Residences Students'   in current   
        Equipped         for Staff & Dormitories   year  
        with         Workers        
总计 Total 27258166 8481779 6449469 771352 1275432 756878 2950794 11206337 5525594 5050709 4619256 1402252 788644 2005679
广播电视中专学校 Radio/TV Specialized  Secondary Schools 1522777 563252 446119 87506 75594 41539 192656 601889 319696 256975 164980 58017 159900 364773
职工中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary  Schools for Staff & Workers 12076686 3811726 2811077 259325 659301 341348 1158926 4887460 2181784 2422438 2218574 584091 348896 1198977
干部中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools for Cadres 2435171 652830 525898 85539 53114 73818 239324 1125527 521531 566535 417490 131521 62871 132256
农民中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools for Peasants 2655945 802713 588834 50322 153685 60194 213169 1124187 533854 522440 515876 178237 90870 68731
函授中等专业学校 Correspondence Specialized Secondary Schools 1082184 561909 441165 90322 80309 40435 117171 315664 110703 199803 87440 27856 90394 131005
教师进修学院 In-service Teachers Training Schools 7485403 2089349 1636376 198338 253429 199544 1029548 3151610 1858026 1082518 1214896 422530 35713 109937



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