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Number of  Students by Field of Study in Specialized Secondary Schools


Unit:in Person

    招生数 Entrants          
  毕业生数    Graduates 合计           Total 招高中毕            业生数      From Senior Sec. Schools Graduates 招初中毕            业生数               From Junior  Sec. Schools Graduates 在校学生数    Enrolment 毕业班学生数    Graduates     for Next      Year
总计 Total 1157055 1621110 168992 1452118 4654158 1293267
工科 Industry 297580 519395 39632 479763 1527998 357329
农科 Agriculture 42322 63385 3277 60108 178521 45963
林科 Forestry 9874 14323 678 13645 40123 9404
医药卫生科 Health 119313 149750 4230 145520 452225 126148
财经 Finance & Economics 192648 220753 29460 191293 677833 211390
管理 Administration 115105 182017 22442 159575 492690 132800
政法 Politics & Law 34932 50712 32724 17988 111950 41853
艺术 Art 28756 62371 2930 59441 167653 37404
体育 Physical Culture 15395 23539 121 23418 65077 17696
师范 Teachers Training 301130 334865 33498 301367 940088 313280
其中:幼儿师范专业 Of Which:for Pre-School Teacher 24190 29531 256 29275 84254 25375
特教师范专业 For Special Education 1967 2062 323 1739 6733 2141



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