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Condition of School Buildings in Specialized Secondary Schools



  合计 Total 中等技术学校 Secondary Technical 中等师范学校 Teacher Training Schools
  计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare 计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare 计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare
校舍建筑面积 Floor Space   95116587 34079322 6277553 54759712 76271485 27123958 5010939 44136588 18845102 6955364 1266614 10623124
其中:被外单位借占面积of which: Under long-term lease or occupation by other units 331545 88540 31237 211768 299001 86413 28921 183667 32544 2127 2316 28101
危险房屋面积 Floor Space of Dilapidated Buildings  1308287 253947 58551 995789 1091648 219451 48206 823991 216639 34496 10345 171798
当年新增面积 New Floor Space Added in Current Year 4550625 1634754 240008 2675863 3639528 1270342 195761 2173425 911097 364412 44247 502438
正在施工面积 Floor Space under construction  3349205 1636083 231160 1481962 2609902 1213842 210621 1185439 739303 422241 20539 296523
借、租用校舍面积 Leased floor space 611432 253956 71077 286399 598281 253308 70957 274016 13151 648 120 12383



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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