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Conditions of School Buidings in Adult Higher Educational Institutions
    校舍建筑总面积中 Of Which: 正在施工 借、租用
  校舍建筑 外单位借占 危房面积 当年新增 面积 校舍面积
  总面积 Under Floor Space 面积 Floor Space Leased
  Total Lease by  of New Floor under Floor
  Floor Space Other Dilapidated Space Added Construction Space
    Units Buildings in Current Year    
总计 Total 32712804 120130 182780 1328305 1127612 414483
一、教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Ancillary Buildings 12196347 26508 32697 470716 500252 213041
教室 Classrooms 6121535 18250 13686 270509 292044 154135
图书馆 Libraries 1417692 2657 4128 40235 42741 8909
实验补习附属Lab. and Supplementary Buildings 2804680 5201 7749 126150 116728 25537
风雨操场  Gymnasiums 1308819 0 3700 16327 33828 17817
会堂 Halls 543621 400 3434 17495 14911 6643
二、行政办公用房  Adm. Buildings 2874271 27860 28136 87907 31122 26223
三、生活用房   Residential Buildings 17642186 65762 121947 769682 596238 175219
学生宿舍 Students' Dormitories 5447024 18386 27797 266562 148442 119919
学生食堂     Students' Dining Halls 1301882 1311 11325 57791 66941 21462
教工单身宿舍Apartments for Single 505305 0 7195 8028 36126 5521
教工住宅  Residences for Teachers & Workers 7329340 25907 41886 377473 290436 7204
教工食堂 Dining Halls for Staff & Workers 212971 150 557 3698 14380 512
生活福利及附属用房 Welfare and Auxiliary Buildings 2845664 20008 33187 56130 39913 20601



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