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          Number of Other Students in Adult Higher Educational Institutions 
Unit: in Person
  学历教育学生总数中 第二学科 证书教育 岗位培训 大学后继 基础 成人中专
  Of total formal students 学历 Certificate-oriented education Job-specific training 续教育 学院 其他
  高中起点 专升本 双招班 Students 单科班 专业证书班 资格性培训 适应性培训 Post-   Spec. Sec. Others
  本专科     for secand Single subject Classes for certific- Qualification  Adaptation collegiate continuing   Classes for
        diploms courses ate-oriented trainees oriented training training education   Adult  
毕(结)业生数 Graduates 338405 15432 4248 11518 84038 186291 745728 1476285 95593 1464 122350 83307
招生数 Entrants 395855 20739 2605 25985 81295 69803 621996 1242488 79340 3454 120494 85807
在校生数 Enrolment 1039713 57266 10148 57981 76997 122295 130878 133904 98281 6460 368121 157943
毕(结)业班学生数 Graduates for Next year 382781 19025 3965 17915 19531 59331 80886 58158 28836 1780 132638 63857



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