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 Number of Students by Field of Study in all Adult Higher Educational Institutions
Unit: in Person
  毕业生数 Graduates  招生数 Entrants 在校学生数 Enrolment
  合计 本科 专科 合计 本科 专科 合计 本科 专科
  Total  Normal Short-cycle Total Normal Short-cycle Total  Normal Short-cycle
    Courses Courses   Courses Courses   Courses Courses
总计 Total 396875 16684 380191 457422 20923 436499 1208056 60210 1147846
哲学 Philosophy 202 0 202 504 0 504 1080 0 1080
经济学Economics 177088 1483 175605 163900 2527 161373 441210 5216 435994
法学Law 35526 1660 33866 50058 1911 48147 119092 6010 113082
教育学 Education 15461 3485 11976 18751 3691 15060 54286 13190 41096
文学 Literature 67485 5252 62233 93596 6536 87060 221287 17920 203367
历史学History 2762 473 2289 2656 494 2162 7400 1331 6069
理学Science 14538 3042 11496 16952 4071 12881 44878 11524 33354
工学Engineering 67187 938 66249 86565 1243 85322 250400 3921 246479
农学Agriculture 1680 0 1680 1799 0 1799 4103 0 4103
医学 Medicine 14946 351 14595 22641 450 22191 64320 1098 63222
总计中:师范 Of the Total: Teacher Training 42085 10446 31639 52321 12283 40038 138952 36958 101994
Note: Number of Students in Correspondenes Divisions、 Evening Schools & Shot-cycle courses of Adult run by Regular Institutions of  Education are not included.



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