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Basic Data on Supervisors of Postgraduate Programmes in Research Organizations
                           Unit: in Person
    30岁及以下 31-35岁 36-40岁 41-45岁 46-50岁 51-55岁 56-60岁 61 岁及以上
  合计 30 Years 31-35years 36-40years 41-45years 46-50years 51-55years 56-60years 61 Years
  Total & Under & Over
总计 Total 8846 44 819 949 895 686 1226 2703 1524
其中:女 Of Which:Female Teachers 994 2 65 87 108 100 175 307 150
一、分职称 By academic rank                
教授 Professors 3457 5 170 205 227 192 439 1203 1016
副教授 Asso. Professors 1324 16 222 237 246 202 189 182 30
其他高级职称 with other adv. Titles 4065 23 427 507 422 292 598 1318 478
二、分指导关系 By supervisory function                
博士导师 Supervisors of doctoral programmes 1608 2 27 64 59 48 163 499 746
硕士导师 Supervisors of master's degree prog. 6201 42 741 818 756 579 925 1817 523
博士、硕士导师 Supervisors of doc. & mas. Degree programmes 1037 0 51 67 80 59 138 387 255



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