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Conditions of School Buidings in Regular Higher Educational Institutions
    教学及辅助用房   生活用房    
    Teaching & Ancillary Buidings 行政办公 Residential Buildings    
  合计     实验实习场   用房 学生宿舍 学生食堂 教工单身 教工及 教工食堂 福利及
  Total  Subtotal  教室 图书馆 附属用房 体育馆 会堂 Adm. Subtotal Students' Students' 宿舍 家属住宅 Halls for 附属用房
      Classrooms Libraries Lab. And  Gymnasium hall  Building   Dormitories Dining  Apartments Residences Staff & Welfare
          Supplementary           Halls for Single for Teachers Workers anxiliary
          building               & Workers   Buildings
校舍建筑总面积 Total Floor Space  154004631 49579035 17789926 6882587 21893595 17711413 1301514 7180856 97244740 23805434 4612557 2868961 50619490 776548 14561831
其中:外单位借占用面积  of which:Under lease by other units 1082163 33265 9632 7852 15781 0 0 45916 1002982 40639 1872 18688 740613 5504 195666
危房面积  Floor Space of Dilapidated Buildings  3728503 952666 347446 70535 462097 31066 41522 225002 2550835 467202 79057 175869 1377868 20830 430009
当年新增面积 New Floor Space Added in Current Year 7583283 1894082 878781 224183 655794 97409 37915 159280 5529921 1331933 199574 85946 3372945 19071 520452
正在施工面积 Floor Space under Construction 10056366 3065468 1123492 501539 1235007 159275 46155 221714 6769184 884508 243010 131671 4714455 10472 785068
借、租用校舍面积 Leased Floorspace 559108 174129 133499 12705 17996 2338 7591 28828 356171 230800 24879 9773 65367 1178 24174



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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