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Supplementary Data for Teachers, Staff & Workers in Regular HEIs
Unit: in Person
  教职工总数中 成人脱产班
  Of the Total Number of Staff and Workers Short-cycle Courses for Cadres
  函授部、夜大学教职工 思想政治 兼任教师 编制外招聘教师数 聘期一年以上的       手机彩票网公司等集  
  Teachers, Staff & Workers 教育教师 外国专家、教授 附属中学教职工 附属小学教职工 现有离退休人员 体所有制人员 停薪留职人员
  in Correspondence Divisions  Political Part-time  Number of teachers          
  and Evening Schools  Teachers Foreign experts Staff & Workers Staff & Workers Number of  Employees of Personnel with
  其中:专任教师   Teachers recruited beyond with a term in Attached in Attached People on Collective owned pay temporarily
  Total  of which:Full-time   authorized strength of one year Sec. Schools Primary Schools Pension Units (Labour suspended
    Teachers     or size of Staff and over       Service Co.,etc.)  
人数   Number 20969 9258 24957 17505 4650 1770 18977 6974 331512 33388 6421



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