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Conditions of School Buidings in Adult Specialized  Secondary Schools
  自有校舍 Buildings Owned by the Adult SSSs  
  学校建筑 教学用房 Buildings for Instructional  Purposes   非教学用房 Residential and Welfare     租用校舍 兼用校舍
  总面积   教室 Classrooms     办公         当年新增校舍 Leased  Buildings
  Floor 合计   其中:电化教室     用房   教职工宿舍 学生宿舍 其他用房 New Floor Buildings for 
  Space Total Of Which: 实验室 图书馆 Office 合计 Residences Students' Others Space Added   Multiple
      Total Equipped Labora- Libraries   Total for Staff & Dormitories   in current    Purposes
        with Audio- tories       Workers     year  
        visual Media                    
总计 Total 28482137 8663388 6540911 715945 1345844 776633 3018409 12046716 5944562 5415712 4753624 1409988 1523429 2230437
广播电视中专学校 Radio/TV Specialized  Secondary Schools 1661464 587181 471621 82800 67495 48065 211713 670243 330958 310261 192327 117295 103720 383631
职工中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary  Schools for Staff & Workers 12407045 3875033 2796588 260774 724494 353951 1146422 5099510 2285215 2539171 2286080 510033 1146685 1383558
干部中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools for Cadres 2883922 766570 610174 39688 78736 77660 245005 1409423 656791 704328 462924 176831 54739 170458
农民中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools for Peasants 2953048 821670 609666 58133 156118 55886 230297 1362832 688669 564309 538249 151184 67926 134022
函授中等专业学校  Correspondence Specialized Secondary Schools 1069601 546770 432650 90112 70440 43680 100259 315239 114472 190530 107333 78793 87918 46410
教师进修学院 In-service Teachers Training Schools 7507057 2066164 1620212 184438 248561 197391 1084713 3189469 1868457 1107113 1166711 375852 62441 112358



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