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Changes in Enrolment of Specialized Sec.Schools
Unit: in person
上学年初报表 增加学生数  Factors of  Increase  减少学生数    Factors of Decrease   本学年初报表
在校学生数 本学年初招生 复学 其它学校转入 其它 上学年毕业生数 上学年结业生数 休学 退学 开除 死亡 转到其它学校 其他 在校学生数
Total enrolment at beginning Total No. Of Students Students Resuming  Transfers from Other Total Completers of Courese Suspended Quiting Expelled Dead Transfers to  Other Total enrolment at beginning
of previous academic year Admitted Studies Other Inst.   Graduates without formal award         Other Inst.   of current academic year
总计    Total 4619637 1716762 1668262 1540 7381 39579 1355647 1293115 3536 2782 15958 1091 522 7266 31377 4980752
  中技 Technical Schools 3710421 1390475 1348923 915 5668 34969 1041257 987319 3309 2572 15327 974 417 5770 25569 4059639
中师 Teacher Training Schools 909216 326287 319339 625 1713 4610 314390 305796 227 210 631 117 105 1496 5808 921113



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