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Basic Statistics of Specialized Secondary Schools by Control
Unit:in Person
      招生数     教职工数
      Entrants     Teachers, Staff & Workers 兼任教师
        招高中毕 招初中毕       校本部教职工 校办厂、场 附设机构 (不在教
  学校数 毕业   业生数 业生数       Employees in the School Proper 职工 人员 工数中)
  (所) 生数   From From 在校学 毕业班   小计 专任教师 教辅人员 行政 工勤 Employees  Personnel Part-time
  Schools Grad- 合计 Senior Junior 生数 学生数   Sub- Full-time Teachers Support- 人员 人员 in School-  in Teachers
    uates Total Secondary Secondary Enrol- Graduates 合计 total 高级讲师 讲师 助理讲师 教员 ing  Adm. Work- srun  Subsid-
        Schools Schools ment for Next Total   Sub- Senior Lecturers Assistant  Instruc- Staff Per- ers  Factories  iary
        Graduates Graduates   year   total Lecturers   Lecturers tors   sonnel    & Farms Units
总计 Total 4109 1293115 1668262 147592 1520670 4980752 1396956 546542 514526 278475 45177 120256 100007 13035 48421 101247 86383 20497 11519 11519
中央部委所属学校 Run by Contral Ministries & Agencies 335 99414 127406 14480 112926 399418 106293 55734 50258 23889 4467 11185 7474 763 5781 11080 9508 3534 1942 1216
地方所属学校 Run by Local Auth. 3774 1193701 1540856 133112 1407744 4581334 1290663 490808 464268 254586 40710 109071 92533 12272 42640 90167 76875 16963 9577 10158



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