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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Specialized Sec. Schools 
unit: in person
  上学年初报表 增加专任教师数 减少专任教师数 本学年初报表
  专任教师数 Factors of Increase Factors of Decrease 专任教师数
  Total number   当年分配毕业生 其他校教师调入 非教师调入   上学年内离 调离教师   Total number
  of full-time     Non-teaching personnel   退休人员 岗位人员   of full-time
  teachers at   New recruits from current year graduates Teachers recruited from other units changed into teachers   Retired from Transferred   teachers at
  beginning of 合计   研究生 本科生 专科生 中专生   其中:中等专业学校调入   其中:本校职   their posts  from teaching 其他 beginning 
  previous Total completing completing completing completing 工转为教师 合计 during  to non- Others of current
  academic year   Total postgraduate 1st degree short-cycle SSS Total Of Which: Total Of Which:with change Total previcus teaching   academic
        courses courses courses courses   from other    of status in their own   academic year posts   year
                SSSs   institutions        
总计    Total 273724 22440 10267 162 7840 1892 373 7550 3860 4623 3583 17689 6495 4757 6437 278475
中技 Technical Schools 210374 18278 7819 127 6039 1357 296 6368 3407 4091 3098 13617 5160 3585 4872 215035
中师 Teacher Training Schools 63350 4162 2448 35 1801 535 77 1182 453 532 485 4072 1335 1172 1565 63440



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