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Basic Statistics of Special Education Schools 
Unit:in Person
    班数(个) 毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数
  学校数 Classes Graduates Entrants Enrolment Teachers, Staff & Workers
  (所) 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 其中:专任教师
  Schools Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Sch. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Sch. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Sch. Total Of Which:Full-time Teachers
合计 Total 1535 18744 1788 34872 29390 5482 49133 41000 8133 358372 329573 28799 41573 29893
盲聋哑学校合计Total Number of Schools for the Blind & the Deaf-mnte 1062 7194 834 9723 7049 2674 16928 13841 3087 97649 86981 10668 30868 21415
  盲聋哑学校Schools for the Blind & the Deaf-mnte 163 1296 199 1778 1226 552 3596 2945 651 17442 15255 2187 5800 4088
    盲生部 Blind 0 196 41 198 96 102 625 476 149 2198 1799 399 922 676
  聋哑生部 Deaf-mnte 0 1100 158 1580 1130 450 2971 2469 502 15244 13456 1788 4878 3412
  聋哑学校Schools for the Deaf-mnte 871 4947 518 6041 4322 1719 10535 8756 1779 60011 53900 6111 22769 15859
  盲校Schools for the Blind  28 161 81 432 270 162 582 326 256 2560 1656 904 1362 875
  普通学校附设及随班就读 Attached to Regular Schools 0 790 36 1472 1231 241 2215 1814 401 17636 16170 1466 937 593
    盲生部 Blind 0 159 11 482 371 111 621 420 201 4320 3720 600 304 211
  聋哑生部 Deaf-mnte 0 631 25 990 860 130 1594 1394 200 13316 12450 866 633 382
  合计中:女生、女教职工数of the Total: Female Studentss,Teachers,Staff & Workers 0 0 0 3241 2291 950 5717 4642 1075 33532 29897 3635 17761 13695
  弱智儿童校、(班)合计Total No. of Schools for Retarded Children 473 11550 954 25149 22341 2808 32205 27159 5046 260723 242592 18131 10705 8478
  弱智儿童辅读校(班)Schools for Retarded Children 473 3053 117 3295 2801 494 5095 4893 202 35246 33571 1675 7047 5755
  普通学校附设及随班就读Attached to Regular Schools 0 8497 837 21854 19540 2314 27110 22266 4844 225477 209021 16456 3658 2723
  合计中:女生、女教职工数of the Total: Female Studentss,Teachers,Staff & Workers 0 0 0 9133 8048 1085 11844 10033 1811 96272 90037 6235 7636 6156



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