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Basic Statistics of Special Education Schools 
Unit:in Person
    班数(个) 毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数
  学校数 Classes Graduates Entrants Enrolment Teachers, Staff & Workers
  (所) 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 小学 初中 合计 其中:专任教师
  Schools Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Sch. Total Primary Sch. Junior Sec. Sch. Total Of Which:Full-time
      Sch.                   Teachers
合计Total 1520 19959 2028 38143 31434 6709 50074 40484 9590 371625 336651 34974 45119 31377
盲聋哑学校合计Total Number of Schools for the Blind & the Deaf-mnte 1102 7827 971 10502 7619 2883 17464 14405 3059 101108 89505 11603 31490 22097
盲聋哑学校 Schools for the Blind & theDeaf-mnte 185 1336 259 2064 1369 695 3644 2927 717 18470 16047 2423 5903 4259
盲生部Blind 0 200 46 241 137 104 546 378 168 2148 1682 466 837 628
聋哑生部 Deaf-mnte 0 1136 213 1823 1232 591 3098 2549 549 16322 14365 1957 5066 3631
聋哑学校 Schools for the Deaf-mnte 888 5134 591 6415 4666 1749 10509 8904 1605 60229 53717 6512 23118 16229
盲校 Schools for the Blind  29 165 91 444 227 217 599 314 285 2634 1653 981 1403 901
普通学校附设及随班就读Attached to Regular Schools 0 1192 30 1579 1357 222 2712 2260 452 19775 18088 1687 1066 708
盲生部Blind 0 380 6 368 300 68 647 481 166 5088 4507 581 396 298
聋哑生部Deaf-mnte 0 812 24 1211 1057 154 2065 1779 286 14687 13581 1106 670 410
合计中:女生、女教职工数of the Total: Female Studentss,Teachers,Staff & Workers 0 0 0 3402 2361 1041 5828 4725 1103 33960 29981 3979 17605 13617
弱智儿童校、(班)合计Total No. of Schools for Retarded Children 418 12132 1057 27641 23815 3826 32610 26079 6531 270517 247146 23371 13629 9280
弱智儿童辅读校(班) Schools for Retarded Children 418 2817 151 3106 2488 618 5317 5077 240 34144 32038 2106 7102 5767
普通学校附设及随班就读 Attached to Regular Schools 0 9315 906 24535 21327 3208 27293 21002 6291 236373 215108 21265 6527 3513
合计中:女生、女教职工数  of the Total: Female Students, Teachers, Staff & Workers 0 0 0 9961 8634 1327 11055 8829 2226 96939 89003 7936 9285 6794



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