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Number of Full-time Vocational Schools Teachers by Educational Attainment
Unit:in Person
    初中 高中
    Junior Sec. Schools Senior Sec. Schools
    大学本科  大学专科毕业   高中毕业及以下   大学本科毕业 大学专科毕业 中专毕业 高中毕业及以下
  总计   毕业及以上 Completion of 中专毕业 Complete   及以上 Completion of  Complete Complete General
  Total 合计 Completion of Short-cycle Complete General Sec. 合计 Completion of Short-cycle Specialized Sec. Sec. 
    Subtotal Normal Courses Courses in Specialized Education Total Normal Courses Courses in HELs Education Education& 
      in HELs & Over HEIs Sec. Education & under   in HELs     under
合计Total 335501 39420 2563 26561 8989 1307 296081 119994 150515 20428 5144
文化课Cultural Subjects                    
专业课 Special Subjects 175065 34350 2256 23672 7400 1022 140715 63185 69577 6420 1533
工科Industry 52956 318 34 196 80 8 52638 22001 27080 2865 692
农科Agriculture 13760 1656 101 971 493 91 12104 4472 6502 983 147
林科Forestry 2706 386 15 254 100 17 2320 972 1154 165 29
医药卫生科Health 8106 75 5 43 23 4 8031 2711 3712 1476 132
财经科 Finance & Economics 21487 84 6 60 14 4 21403 8154 11704 1330 215
管理科 Administration 12322 89 13 49 21 6 12233 4919 6335 761 218
政法 Politics & Law 3255 138 15 97 22 4 3117 1314 1590 167 46
艺术Arts 13207 456 24 226 188 18 12751 3182 7583 1702 284
体育 Physical Culture 8611 962 33 503 351 75 7649 2540 3985 883 241
师范 Teacher Training 7882 209 14 110 80 5 7673 2610 3984 959 120
实习指导课Practical Courses 7968 145 14 66 53 12 7823 1709 3647 1488 979
不任课No Teaching Load 8176 552 33 314 164 41 7624 2225 3662 1229 508



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