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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Specialized Sec. Schools 
    增加专任教师数 减少专任教师数
    Factors of Increase Factors of Decrease 本学年初报表
  上学年初报表   当年分配毕业生 其他校教师调入 非教师调入         专任教师数
        Teachers recruited Non-teaching personnel        
  专任教师数   New recruits from current year graduates from other units changed into teachers   上学年内离 调离教师   Total number
  Total number 合计   研究生 本科生 专科生 中专生   其中:   其中:本校职   退休人员 岗位人员 其他 of full-time
  of full-time Total completing completing completing completing 中等专业 工转为教师 合计 Retired from Transferred Others teachers at
  teachers at   Total postgraduate 1st degree short-cycle SSS Total 学校调入 Total Of Which: Total their posts  from teaching   beginning 
  beginning of     courses courses courses courses   Of Which:   with change    during  to non-   of current
  previous             from other    of status in    previcus teaching   academic
  academic year             SSSs   their own   academic year posts   year
总计 Total 276412 20109 8317 192 6305 1578 242 7090 3606 4702 3810 22876 4293 4633 13950 273645
中技 Technical Schools 213268 16083 6221 162 4720 1147 192 5772 2955 4090 3239 17573 3374 3605 10594 211778
中师 Teacher Training Schools 63144 4026 2096 30 1585 431 50 1318 651 612 571 5303 919 1028 3356 61867



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